Chris Conrad
Court qualified cannabis expert witness — Superior Courts of California, Federal and other State courts, cited in numerous Appellate and Supreme Court rulings.
- Consulted on almost 3000 cases
- Prepared more than 1000 reports
- Reviewed physical evidence more than 500 times
- Testified more than 350 time
- Qualified in criminal courts of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Michigan, Maryland and Virginia.
- Topics include: Quantities, possession, personal v. commercial intent, cultivation, yields, odors and odor control, processing, medical use, adult use, industrial hemp, evidence reviews, site inspections, and training in DRE and impairment.
- Referrals to other experts on all things cannabis as well as assorted other hemp or drug use topics (contact with your need).
Curriculum Vitae • Download as a PDF file
Contact: 510-275-9311 • Located in El Sobrante CA 94820
Email to: [email protected]
Chris Conrad’s is considered one of the most highly regarded cannabis experts in the US court systems. His treatise and report Cannabis Yields and Dosage is a required reading material for Oaksterdam University and has been presented at the Fifth Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics (2008), California Association of Toxicologists (2012) and the International Pharmacology Academy (2014).
Why and how to use an expert witness (PDF)
CA: Benefits of law change are retroactive
Legal briefs archive on marijuana law /
Legal briefs on California, medical MJ
For help with a medical cannabis case, Americans for Safe Access.
Summary and highlights of relevant education, career and experience
Chris Conrad has studied cannabis (marijuana) since 1988 and first qualified as a court expert in 1994. Author of Cannabis Yields and Dosage, he also wrote two scholarly books on cannabis, Hemp: Lifeline to the Future and Hemp for Health, and contributed to numerous others. Presented findings at the Fifth Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics (2008) and California Assn. of Toxicologists (2012). Familiar with many books and scientific studies, including National Institute on Drug Abuse and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) data. Consults with government agencies. Reported on dispensaries for California state legislators. Testified before National Academy of Science, Institute of Medicine. Regularly consults with patients, providers and physicians, including some of the world’s foremost authorities on cannabis.
Court-qualified as a cannabis expert witness more than 325 times on preparation, consumption, sex, cultivation, odor, genetics, cloning, crop yields, medical use, personal use, dosage, commercial intent, sales, collective associations’ activities, etc. Testimony discussed by the California Supreme Court in People v Kelly and People v Mower. Qualified in at least 38 California counties: Alameda, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Inyo, Kern, Lake, Los Angeles, Madera, Marin, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Orange, Placer, Plumas, Riverside, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Tulare, Tuolumne, Ventura and Yolo. Testimony mentioned by CA Court of Appeals and Supreme Court. Qualified in US Courts Martial and in the U.S. Ninth Circuit Courts in Northern, Southern and Eastern Districts of California and Fifth Circuit Middle Dist. of Louisiana. Qualified in the States of Colorado, Oklahoma, Oregon, North Dakota, Maryland, Michigan and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Detailed legal qualifications, field research, scientific analysis, literature reviews
2016: Qualified as cannabis expert witness in California counties of Amador, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Tuolumne. Qualified in Commonwealth of Virginia. Keynote speaker via video for Global Hemp Forum in Kyoto, Japan. Released book, The Newbie’s Guide to Cannabis and the Industry. Spoke at International Cannabis Business Conference in San Francisco, Mendocino Cannabis Resource Conference and Grassroots Cannabis Conference. Attended presentations by Bureau of Medical Cannabis Regulation in Sacramento and San Francisco. Prepared informational Powerpoint presentations and spoke about California’s laws and Proposition 64 at events and on podcasts and radio programs throughout the state. Prepared comparison chart of pre- and post-Prop. 64 laws and penalties. Presented at a Seminar Group CLE in Los Angeles. Spoke at Seattle HempFest. Curator of the Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum. Faculty member of Oaksterdam University, Board of 420 Archives Historical Society.
2015: Qualified as cannabis expert in California counties of Yolo, Los Angeles, Shasta, Butte, Napa, Santa Clara, San Joaquin, Tehama, Lake, Solano, Sonoma, El Dorado, Sacramento, San Mateo, Alameda, Contra Costa, Mendocino and the State of Arizona. Attended and gave presentation on medical marijuana in Sydney, Australia. Attended Society of Cannabis Clinicians conference in Oakland, California. Attended medical marijuana conference and gave three presentations for International Pharmaceutical Academy, Toronto, Canada, on medical marijuana, introduction to cultivation, and advanced cultivation. Gave presentation on history of medical marijuana, International Canna Pro Expo, Orlando, Florida. Presented MCLE training on California marijuana law for the Sonoma County Bar Assn. Taught History and Political Science for Oaksterdam University in Oakland, California, and Las Vegas, Nevada. Curated Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum. Co-chaired Museum Committee, Board of 420 Archives Historical Society. Met with Oakland Museum of California to discuss upcoming “Altered States: Marijuana” exhibition. Spoke at numerous events and radio shows. Received Lifetime Achievement Award at California Emerald Cup.
2014: Qualified as cannabis expert in California counties of Amador, El Dorado, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Shasta and Tulare; States of Arizona, Georgia, Hawaii, Michigan, Utah (by stipulation); Federal Eastern District of California. Gave presentations on issues related to cannabis to government officials and at various educational institutions and public events in the nations of Argentina, Canada, Chile and Uruguay (Conferencia Sobre Pericias Cannábicas). Attended Foro internacional de actualización en usos terapéuticos y medicinales del cannabis (Uruguay) and CannaMed (Argentina) medical marijuana conferences. Taught cannabis related CME for the International Pharmaceutical Academy in Toronto, Canada. Taught cannabis related MCLE for California Defense attorneys hosted in Stockton, California. Gave presentations at Seattle Hempfest, Indo Expo (Denver CO), Canna Talk (Redding CA), the Emerald Cup (Santa Rosa CA) and State of Marijuana (Los Angeles). Curator of Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum and US Hemp Museum. Faculty member at Oaksterdam University.
2013: Qualified as cannabis expert in Kern County Juvenile Court, and in the California Superior Courts of Alameda, Butte, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Humboldt, Los Angeles, Mendocino, Placer, Sacramento, San Mateo, Shasta, Solano, Sonoma and Tehama Counties on many of the same issues as described in the years below. Qualified as cultivation and processing expert in Michigan court, testified telephonically. Attended presentations on medical marijuana and cultivation at numerous educational events throughout the country including the Bay Area Hempfest, Emerald Cup, International Cannabis and Hemp Expo, International Drug Policy Reform Conference, Rossmore Medical Marijuana Club, Seattle Hempfest, and others. Consulted with the Washington State I-502 implementation team. Prepared educational video for Cannabiz. Curator of the Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum. Faculty member at Oaksterdam University.
2012: Attended CME accredited Seventh International Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics in Arizona. Presented research on Cannabis Yields and Dosage at NIDA co-sponsored California Association of Toxicologists Biennial Conference. Qualified as a cannabis expert in California Courts in the counties of Butte, Colusa, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Fresno, Humboldt, Los Angeles, Marin, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Shasta, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Tehama, Tuolumne and Yolo. Qualified as a cannabis expert in the State of Maryland. Qualified as a cannabis expert in federal US court, California northern district. Topics include cultivation, yields, consumption, medical use, personal consumption, sales, commercial intent, odor, collective associations’ activities, etc. Examined police files, medical records, financial records, transcripts, photos, videos, audiotapes, weighed, photographed, and examined forensic evidence, interviewed defendants, investigated garden sites, heard police testimony and reviewed police training materials. Visited numerous cannabis gardens and dispensaries, met with patient collectives throughout California. Spoke with many cannabis consumers, growers, experts and providers. Curator of the Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum. Faculty member of Oaksterdam University.
2011: Qualified as a cannabis expert in Fresno, Kern, Lake, Los Angeles, Napa, Nevada, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Solano and Yolo Counties. Qualified as a cannabis expert in State of Colorado. Topics include cultivation, yields, consumption, medical use, personal consumption, sales, commercial intent, odor, collectives, etc. Examined police files, medical records, financial records, transcripts, photos, videos, audiotapes, weighed, photographed, and examined forensic evidence, interviewed defendants, investigated garden sites, heard police testimony and reviewed police training materials. Visited numerous cannabis gardens and dispensaries, met with patient collectives throughout California. Spoke with other experts as well as numerous cannabis consumers, growers and providers. Curator of Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum. Faculty member of Oaksterdam University. Consulted with other experts nationally and internationally.
2010: Testimony received favorable mention by California Supreme Court in People v Kelly. Qualified in numerous California counties as an expert on cannabis cultivation, yields, dosage, usage, processing, patient collective organizations, cultivation and operations, lawful and illicit distribution, and related issues in previous years and various counties as detailed below. Qualified as expert on cultivation, medical use, dosage and intent to sell in the Commonwealth of Virginia in Chesterfield County. Taught Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) classes in California and Washington State. Examined police files, medical records, financial records, transcripts, photos, videos, audiotapes, weighed, photographed, and examined forensic evidence, interviewed defendants, investigated garden sites, heard police testimony and reviewed police training materials. Consulted with other experts. Faculty of Oaksterdam University. Published revised seventh edition of Cannabis Yields and Dosage.
2009: Qualified in numerous California counties as an expert on cannabis cultivation, yields, dosage, usage, processing, patient collective organizations, cultivation and operations, lawful and illicit distribution, and related issues in various counties previously listed. Taught accredited CLE in Oregon. Attended session of the UN High Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna, Austria. Examined and discussed cannabis plants under cultivation in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Examined personal indoor and outdoor cannabis gardens in Argentina. Faculty of Oaksterdam University. Examined police files, medical records, financial records, transcripts, photos, videos, audiotapes, weighed and examined forensic evidence visually and by microscope, interviewed defendants, investigated garden sites, and heard police testimony as to their training, experience, observations and opinions, thereby familiarizing myself with law enforcement investigative techniques. Viewed numerous indoor and outdoor cannabis gardens. Visited numerous cannabis dispensaries, met with patient collectives throughout California. Consulted with other experts nationally and internationally.
2008: Qualified as a cannabis expert in Kern, San Diego, numerous other California counties, and the State of North Dakota. Qualified as an expert on cannabis cultivation, yields, dosage, usage, processing, patient collective organizations and operations, lawful and illicit distribution, and related issues in various counties previously listed. Presented findings on Cannabis Yields and Dosage at the CME-accredited Fifth Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics. Examined personal indoor and outdoor cannabis gardens in Argentina. Examined police files, medical records, financial records, transcripts, photos, videos, audiotapes, weighed and examined forensic evidence visually and by microscope, interviewed defendants, investigated garden sites, heard police testimony and reviewed police training materials. Consulted with other experts. Viewed numerous cannabis gardens. Visited numerous cannabis dispensaries, met with patient collectives throughout the state.
2007: Qualified as an expert on cannabis cultivation, yields, dosage, usage, in various counties previously listed. Examined police files, medical records, financial records, transcripts, photos, videos, audiotapes, weighed and examined forensic evidence visually and by microscope, interviewed defendants, investigated garden sites, heard police testimony and reviewed police training materials, familiarizing myself with law enforcement investigative techniques. Consulted with other experts. Viewed numerous cannabis gardens. Visited numerous cannabis dispensaries, met with patient collectives throughout the state. Served on San Francisco DA’s cannabis policy taskforce. Member of the faculty of Cannabis College of Oaksterdam University. Gave presentation on medical marijuana regulation to Hawaii State legislators.
2006: Qualified as an expert on cannabis odor and detection in federal Northern California district, and in U.S. Courts Martial based in Wurzburg, Germany regarding, cultivation, yields, consumption and indicia of intent. Qualified as cannabis expert in California Superior courts of Amador, Fresno, Lake, Humboldt, Los Angeles, Mendocino, Merced, San Bernardino, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Siskiyou, Sonoma, and other counties. Qualified as an expert on cannabis packaging, consumption, storage and toxicity in Oregon court. Attended accredited trainings at the Fourth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics at UC Santa Barbara. Examined police files, medical records, financial records, transcripts, photos, videos, audiotapes, weighed and examined forensic evidence visually and by microscope, interviewed defendants, investigated garden sites, heard police testimony and reviewed police training materials, familiarizing myself with law enforcement investigative techniques. Consulted with other experts. Viewed numerous cannabis gardens. Visited numerous cannabis dispensaries, met with patient collectives throughout the state. Served on San Francisco DA’s cannabis policy taskforce.
2005: Qualified as cannabis expert in California Superior courts of Los Angeles, Calaveras, Lake, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Sacramento, Siskiyou, Solano and Orange counties. Participated in San Francisco DA’s medical marijuana advisory group. Received two days instruction at Leiden University, The Netherlands, from the International Association for Cannabis as Medicine conference. Toured the Dutch national medical marijuana garden operated by Bedrocan, B.V. Examined numerous indoor and outdoor cannabis gardens in and around Amsterdam and medical marijuana gardens in California and Oregon. Examined police files, medical records, financial records, transcripts, photos, videos, weighed and examined forensic evidence visually and by microscope, interviewed defendants, investigated garden sites, heard police testimony and reviewed police training materials, familiarizing myself with law enforcement investigative techniques. Consulted with other experts. Viewed gardens, interviewed growers, sellers and consumers of cannabis throughout the state. Taught a CLE on expert issues involving cannabis at the NORML Legal Seminar in Florida.
2004: Authored Cannabis Yields and Dosage. Qualified as cannabis expert in the California Superior courts of Humboldt, Alameda, Lake, Yolo, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Los Angeles and San Mateo, on issues of cultivation, medical use, consumption, processing, and personal versus commercial intent. Testimony received favorable mention in California Court of Appeals ruling in re Arbacauskas [2004 WL 2378862 (Cal.App. 3 Dist.)]. Examined police files, medical records, financial records, transcripts, photos, videos, weighed and examined forensic evidence visually and under microscope, interviewed defendants, investigated garden sites, heard police testimony and reviewed police training materials, familiarizing myself with police investigative techniques. Consulted with other experts. Viewed gardens, interviewed growers, sellers and consumers of cannabis throughout the state.
2003: Qualified as cannabis expert in the California Superior courts of Butte, El Dorado, Fresno, Inyo, Los Angeles, Monterey, Nevada, Sacramento, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Ventura and Yolo Counties Qualified as cannabis expert in the Southern District of the Ninth Circuit Federal Court. Examined police files, medical records, financial records, transcripts, photos, videos, weighed and examined forensic evidence visually and under microscope, interviewed defendants, investigated garden sites, heard police testimony and reviewed police training materials, familiarizing myself with police investigative techniques. Taught Continuing Legal Education (CLE) for Defense Attorneys of Santa Cruz County. Viewed gardens, interviewed growers, sellers and consumers of cannabis throughout the state. Consulted on SB 420. Discussed medical marijuana policy with DA Terrence Hallinan of San Francisco and DA Paul Gallegos in Humboldt. Consulted with Senator John Vasconcellos office regarding SB 420.
2002: Qualified as cannabis expert in the California Superior courts of Los Angeles, El Dorado, Riverside, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Santa Cruz, Tulare and Yolo Counties on issues of cultivation, medical use, consumption, processing, and personal versus commercial intent. Examined police files, medical records, financial records, transcripts, photos, videos, weighed and examined forensic evidence visually and under microscope, interviewed defendants, investigated garden sites, heard police testimony and reviewed police training materials, familiarizing myself with police investigative techniques. Took 12 hours of accredited training in medical marijuana from Institute for Health Professionals, Portland Oregon. Spent three weeks in Holland where I observed at least 12 cannabis gardens and one week in Italy. In both countries I engaged cannabis cultivators in discussion of their gardens, and yields.
2001: Testified as a cannabis expert in California Superior courts of Alameda, Del Norte, Orange, San Joaquin, Sonoma and Ventura Counties on issues of cultivation, medical use, consumption, preparation, and indicia of personal versus commercial intent. Heard court testimony by police officers and other experts. Reviewed numerous court transcripts, search warrants, police reports, evidence lists and case files. Examined medical records, forensic evidence visually and under microscope, analyzed photos and videos, interviewed defendants, reviewed police training materials, and investigated garden sites. Testified as cannabis expert in the Sacramento CA federal district court, on issues of cultivation, consumption, and yields. Gave presentation on yields and consumption to Berkeley, CA, Health and Safety Commission. Taught an accredited CLE for Orange County Public Defenders office.
2000: Testified as cannabis expert in California Superior courts of Butte, Calaveras, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Humboldt, Napa, Placer, Plumas, San Mateo, Shasta, Siskiyou, Santa Cruz, Sonoma and Stanislaus Counties. Qualified on issues of indoor and outdoor cultivation, crop yields, plant sex, olfactory identification (smell), means and rates of consumption, genetic characteristics, indicia of commercial intent, personal and/or medicinal use of cannabis and cannabis preparations, both smoking and otherwise. Investigated cases and provided expert legal services in numerous other counties. Heard court testimony by police officers and other experts. Received seven hours of California Medical Association-accredited training on medical cannabis. Reviewed court transcripts, search warrants, police reports, evidence lists and case files, familiarizing myself with police investigative techniques. Examined forensic evidence and medical records, analyzed photos and videos, interviewed defendants, provided declarations. Researched all aspects of cannabis cultivation and use. Discussed use patterns with at least 30 medical cannabis patients and numerous doctors. Spent four weeks in Amsterdam, where I designed informational exhibits on cannabis and observed indoor cannabis cultivation, curing and processing. Returned in the fall for 10 days observing and discussing cultivation, processing, marketing and consumption with hundreds of American, Dutch and international growers and consumers.
1999: Testified as cannabis expert in California Superior courts of Butte, Calaveras, El Dorado, Humboldt, Lake, Los Angeles, Marin, Placer, Santa Clara, Shasta, Solano and Sonoma Counties on issues of cultivation, yields, commercial intent, joint size, rate of consumption, personal and/or medicinal use of cannabis and cannabis preparations, both smoking and otherwise. Investigated cases and provided expert legal services in Alameda, Stanislaus, Napa, Plumas, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz Counties. Reviewed numerous court transcripts, search warrants, investigator’s reports and case files, familiarizing myself with police investigative techniques. Heard court testimony by police officers and other experts. Examined forensic evidence, analyzed photos and videos, inspected garden sites, interviewed witnesses and defendants, provided declarations and reports. Examined numerous California patients’ legal cannabis gardens. Discussed use patterns with at least 150 medical cannabis patients and numerous doctors. Read numerous studies and reports by the DEA, NIDA, and other federal government agencies regarding the cultivation, miscellaneous effects, and personal consumption of cannabis. Attended numerous conference presentations on medical marijuana and industrial hemp. Went to the Netherlands to research and monitor legal cannabis cultivation, breeding, distribution and consumption. Examined numerous cannabis gardens in Holland, Germany and Spain. Traveled to Germany to study legal industrial hemp fields and processing facilities, the Hanf (hemp) Museum, and CannaBusiness, an international hemp and cannabis business expo.
1998: Testified as qualified expert in the California Superior courts of Butte, Humboldt and Tuolomne Counties regarding cannabis cultivation, yields, plant sex, maturity, preparation, quality, usability, commercial intent versus personal and/or medicinal use, consumption rates, genetics and cannabis preparations, both smoking and otherwise. Reviewed case documents, physical evidence and photos. Investigated cases and/or filed declarations in Alameda, Marin, Merced, Nevada, Placer, San Diego, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and Sonoma Counties. Examined and evaluated numerous California patients’ legal cannabis gardens. Attended numerous conference presentations on medical marijuana and industrial hemp. Read a cultivation and yield report by the federal DEA and numerous studies by NIDA, and other government agencies regarding the, miscellaneous effects, and personal consumption of cannabis. Discussed use patterns with at least 250 medical cannabis patients and numerous doctors.
1997: Testified as qualified expert in the California Superior court of Marin County regarding crop yields, medical marijuana and personal consumption. Reviewed case documents, physical evidence and photos. Authored Hemp for Health. Researched medical literature, visited and surveyed patient buyers clubs and patient gardens. Visited and surveyed patient buyers clubs and discussed medical use of cannabis with at least 300 patients and numerous doctors. Read at least 100 abstracts, studies and peer reviewed medical literature regarding the therapeutic utility of cannabis. Chapters cover cannabis history, botany, pharmacology, clinical research, homeopathy, Ayurvedic medicine, herbalism, therapeutic potential, cannabinoids, side effects, safety tips, recipes for smoked and eaten preparations, and specific symptomatic relief, including diagrams and reference tables, topical applications, nutrition and holistic health care. Attended CannaBusiness Expo, in Germany. Visited and surveyed patient buyers clubs and patient gardens throughout California, following passage of Proposition 215. Consulted and participated in a legal cannabis harvest in Switzerland comprising at least six hectares of outdoor plants grown by subcontractors for CannaBioLand, a legal commercial enterprise. Selected and harvested cannabis based on sex, ripeness and mold infestation. Participated in sexing, selecting, cutting, curing, manicuring, and otherwise preparing herb for consumption. Investigated legal cannabis outlets throughout Switzerland. Addressed a hearing of the National Academy of Science on medical marijuana.
1996: Attended numerous scientific presentations and surveys of scientific studies regarding specific medical and personal use of cannabis including pharmacology and symptomatic relief. Discussed use patterns with at least 400 medical marijuana patients and numerous doctors. Monitored legal cannabis indoor cultivation projects at Sensi Seed Bank, the Hash-Marijuana-Hemp Museum, and at Positronics, b.v., in Amsterdam. Observed and interviewed patients, doctors, caregivers and cannabis culture in the US, Canada and Europe.
1995: Monitored legal cannabis indoor cultivation projects at Sensi Seed Bank, the Hash-Marijuana-Hemp Museum, and at Positronics, b.v., in Amsterdam. Discussed medical cannabis and use patterns with at least 300 patients and numerous doctors.
1994: Qualified as expert witness in the California Superior court of Madera County on industrial hemp and hempseed. Studied and consulted on Hemp Agrotech’s research crop of industrial hemp grown in the Imperial Valley (California) in conjunction with the US Department of Agriculture research station. Met and had informal consultations with owners of Hempline, the first Canadian group to grow a research crop of industrial hemp in North America. Toured hemp stores and museums throughout the US and Canada. Monitored legal cannabis indoor cultivation projects at Sensi Seed Bank, the Hash-Marijuana-Hemp Museum, Positronics, b.v., and at numerous other cannabis gardens located in Amsterdam. Discussed medical cannabis and use patterns with at least 100 patients and numerous doctors.
1993: Authored Hemp: Lifeline to the Future, a comprehensive study of the cannabis plant, including a chapter on cannabis botany. Read at least 100 abstracts, studies and peer reviewed medical literature regarding the therapeutic and industrial utility of cannabis. Spent six months in The Netherlands where I designed and arranged informational exhibits and curated the Hash-Marijuana-Hemp Museum in Amsterdam; collected items, prepared and labeled informational displays and explanatory materials, produced handouts for visitors, maintained a library about cannabis, supervised a legal indoor cannabis “grow room” exhibit featuring hydroponic systems, soil, plants from seed and clones, sexing to maturity, harvest, cure and manicure. Utilized various lighting systems and cycles; evaluated growing techniques and yields, planting densities, and pruning patterns; advised in the design of and adjustments to the system and its operation. Field research included investigation and discussion of social use, customs, commercial sales, consumption patterns, medical case histories, regional cultures, kif and hash making, evaluating quality and use of herbal cannabis. Experimented with raw stalk, fibers, hempseed foods and cannabis medicinal preparations including derivatives, tinctures and poultices. Traveled through France, Holland and Hungary researching legal commercial hemp farms and processing. Made a national tour of Dutch cannabis outlets and interviewed the proprietors, staff and clientele. Monitored legal cannabis indoor cultivation projects at Sensi Seed Bank, the Hash-Marijuana-Hemp Museum, and at Positronics, b.v., in Amsterdam. Discussed use patterns with at least 200 medical marijuana patients.
1992: Spent six weeks in The Netherlands working at “Cannabis Castle,” a primary facility of Sensi Seed Bank, a legal Dutch cannabis research and breeding company. Participated and monitored all aspects of cultivation from starting seedlings and rooting clones to sexing plants, genetic selection and pollination, hybridization, seed selection and processing for indoor, outdoor and greenhouse varieties. Monitored flower development, resin enhancement, yields, curing, processing and manicure. Researched various genetic materials for characteristics. Met with researchers at Wageningen University (Netherlands) research facility on industrial and horticultural aspects of cannabis hemp. Made a national tour of regional Dutch cannabis outlets and interviewed the proprietors, staff and clientele.
1989-2002: Ongoing cannabis research, reviewing scientific and media reports, interviewing more than one thousand American, Dutch and international consumers and growers on production and consumption.
Formal Education
2002: 12 hours accredited training in medical marijuana, Institute for Health Professionals, Portland Oregon
2000: 7 hours California Medical Association-accredited training at the “Cannabis Therapy: Science, Medicine and the Law” symposium at Cal State University San Francisco.
1995: 20 hours accredited training in cannabis botany, agriculture, horticulture, pharmo-chemistry, industrial technologies and medical use at the Biofach international symposium, Frankfurt Germany.
1980: Bachelor’s degree. Fine Arts / Communication, California State University Dominguez Hills, Los Angeles California. Graduated Magna cum laude. Biology course included botany.
1973: Associate’s degree in Humanities / Fine Arts, Frederick Community College, Frederick Maryland. Graduated Cum laude. Biology course included botany.
1967-69: Attended Maryknoll Catholic Seminary , Chesterfield, Missouri.
Books authored or assisted
2015: The Newbie’s Guide to Cannabis and the Industry ( publishing, with Jeremy Daw)
2004: Cannabis Yields and Dosage (now in its eighth edition).
2001: Second edition of Human Rights and the US Drug War (Creative Xpressions). Hemp for Health translated into Portuguese as Hemp: O uso medicinal de maconha.
2000: Revised printing of Shattered Lives: Portraits from America’s Drug War (Creative Xpressions).
1999: Contributed to revised The Very Best of Sinsemilla Tips (New Moon). Co-authored Human Rights and the US Drug War (Creative Xpressions).
1998: Hemp for Health translated Heilpflanze Haschisch (German, Knaur), and Cannabis para la Salud (Spanish, M. Roca). Co-authored Shattered Lives: Portraits from America’s Drug War (Creative Xpressions).
1996: Authored Hemp for Health (Inner Traditions), reviewing scientific data on medical, physiological and psychological effects of cannabis. It discusses medical cannabis in allopathy, homeopathy, herbalism and Ayurveda; THC and other cannabinoids, hempseed nutrition, uses of seed oil, holistic and ecological value of hemp as a restorative resource. Bibliography, footnotes and appendices. Hemp, Lifeline to the Future Australian edition published; Cannabis, 1 mille usi di una pianta miracolosa. (Italian, Carravecchi)
1995: Contributed portions on the development of the modern hemp industry and fuel potential of industrial hemp to The Great Book of Hemp, by Rowan Robinson (Inner Traditions).
1994: Contributed a chapter on market potentials to Hemp Today compilation (Quick American).
1993: Authored Hemp, Lifeline to the Future (Creative Xpressions), a comprehensive review of the industrial, medicinal and social / spiritual applications of cannabis with technical data on how to grow and process cannabis, its history, commerce, technologies, botany, ecology, cultivation and medical uses. Bibliography, footnotes, appendices. Contributed chapter to Le Premier Journee Internationale du Cannabis (French: Lezard).
1990: Designed and edited The Emperor Wears No Clothes , by Jack Herer (Hemp Publishing).
Supreme Court cites, legislative and advisory consultation, teaching, conferences, lectures, symposia
2012: Presented research on Cannabis Yields and Dosage at NIDA co-sponsored California Association of Toxicologists Biennial Conference.
2011: Curator, Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum. Qualified as court expert on cultivation in state of Colorado.
2010: Testimony discussed by California Supreme Court in People v Kelly. Taught accredited CLE for Federal Defenders Of Eastern Washington & Idaho.
2008 – 2009: Participant in the Medical Cannabis Safety Commission, based in Berkeley CA. Attended UN International Drug Control Treaty Assessment and Review in Vienna as representative of NGO.
2008: Presented findings on Cannabis Yields and Dosage at the CME-accredited Fifth Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics.
2007: Gave presentation on medical marijuana regulation to Hawaii State legislators.
2005 – 2010: Member of San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris’s Cannabis Advisory Panel.
2004: Testified before the Oakland City Council and Humboldt County Board of Supervisors.
2003: Testified before the County Board of Supervisors for the counties of Kern and San Francisco, Oakland Public Safety Committee. Taught CLE seminar for Santa Cruz Criminal Defense Attorneys. 2001: Presented expert testimony and prepared displays on issues of cannabis cultivation and consumption and presented a report to Berkeley Public Health and Safety Commission; guest lectured in political science at University of California, Berkeley. Consulted with Sonoma Alliance for Medical Marijuana in developing guidelines adopted by County of Somona law enforcement.
2000: Keynote speaker on medical marijuana at Alameda Medical Group staff dinner. Guest lectured at Mills College. Presented expert testimony for the City of Martinez (CA) on the federal IND medical marijuana program, garden yields and consumption. Presented data on medical marijuana use and cultivation at the Drug Policy Foundation conference, Washington DC. Gave presentations at Santa Cruz Industrial Hemp Expo (CA). Gave two presentations at Cannabis College (Amsterdam).
1999: Guest lectured at Mills College; gave presentations at University of California Davis Forum, UC Berkeley Global Crisis Solutions Conference, CannaBusiness (Germany), Cannabis College (Netherlands), Natural Products Expo, and Santa Cruz Industrial Hemp Expo.
1998: Taught cannabis at the Omega Institute (NY). Testified at National Academy of Science / Institute of Medicine hearings on medical marijuana (Irvine). Presented report on medical cannabis to SSSP sociologists convention. Gave presentations at the Hemp Industries Association convention, Santa Cruz Industrial Hemp Expo, VisionQuest, State of the World Forum and National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws (NORML). Debated former DEA head Peter Bensinger at Cal State University, Northridge.
1997: Participated in legislative advisory panel for California medical marijuana research bill SB 535. Supported legislative efforts on industrial hemp bills in 12 state legislatures. Taught classes on medical cannabis at Learning Annex, Five Branches Institute, and California legal patient groups. Lectured on hemp at Eco Expo, Natural Products Expo, and on cannabis research at the Drug Policy Foundation (DPF) conference plenary session.
1996: Consulted on hemp legislation with State Representatives Fred Maslack of Vermont and David Tarnas of Hawai’i. Authored the industrial hemp plan for the Jamaican government). Coordinated petitioners for California medical marijuana initiative, Prop. 215 (passed). Testified at Oakland City Council and Contra Costa County Supervisors on medical cannabis, regulations and options. Lectured at Stanford University. Lectured at Eco Expo and Whole Life Expo (CA). Participant in State of the World Forum (CA). Panelist in DPF conference (Washington DC) plenary session on medical cannabis.
1995: Met with European Cities on Drug Policy (ECDP) staff to discuss the Frankfurt Resolution on cannabis policy. Testified at Colorado State Senate Agriculture Committee hearing on the economic and agricultural value of low-THC industrial hemp as a farm crop, European hemp regulations and subsidies, infrastructure and other commercial aspects, and genetic and environmental influences that maintain the non-drug characteristic of industrial hemp. Panelist in DPF conference plenary session on hemp. Spoke at Land, Air and Water legal conference (Oregon), Chapman University (CA), Whole Earth Expo (CA), Winnipeg University (Canada), and European Cannabis Consumers Organization organizing conference (Netherlands). Attended four day Biorohstoff Hanf symposium (Nova Institut, Frankfurt, Germany).
1994: Had discussions with Eric Fromberg, head of The Netherlands National Institute on Alcohol and Drugs, and other Dutch officials regarding their policy of tolerance, regulation and control of cannabis distribution. Panelist in ACLU drug policy forum (Los Angeles CA). Chapman University (CA). Presented hemp seminars throughout Holland and the US.
1993 Presented at Le Premier Journee Internationale du Cannabis (Paris, France). Had discussions with Eric Fromberg, head of the Dutch National Institute on Alcohol and Drugs, and other officials regarding their policy of regulation and control of cannabis distribution.
1992: Testified on hemp development and regulatory options at the US Congressional Hearings on Improving the Operations and Activities of the United Nations (Los Angeles, CA).
1991: Consulted with Senator Joseph Galiber (NY) to develop separate industrial hemp and cannabis bills. Guest lectured at University of Southern California (USC) program for substance abuse counselors.
Organizational research and development
2013: Coalition for Cannabis Policy Reform. Legal Use of Cannabis Consultants.
2011 – 2013: Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum curator
2010: Proposition 19 advisory committee, drafting and campaign phases.
2005 – 2008: San Francisco DA’s citizen advisory panel on cannabis
2000 – Present: Safe Access Now director and consultant
1994-2003: Founding member, first president, multi-term board member of the Hemp Industries Association (HIA), the trade group for companies marketing legal hemp products.
1990-2002: Business consultant to hemp businesses including American Hemp Mercantile, Hemp-Flax, All Around the World Hemp, Crop Circle Clothing, and The Peebler Group.
1988-2002: Director of the Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp which researches and develops information on applications of cannabis. Prepared educational materials, analyzed international laws controlling hemp production, identified sections of customs and federal regulations that allow businesses to produce and market non-drug hemp products.
1988-2002: Director of the Family Council on Drug Awareness, which analyzes marijuana research.
Selected Honors and Awards
2015: Lifetime Achievement Award, Emerald Cup
2014: Activist Achievement Award, Seattle Hempfest
2010: Lifetime Achievement Award, Oaksterdam University.
2008: Freedom Fighter of the Year, Los Angeles NORML.
2004: Achievement in Citizen Activism, from NORML.
2002: Strathmore’s Who’s Who.
2001: Lindesmith Center “Robert Randall Award”
Strathmore’s Who’s Who.
2000: San Francisco Bay Guardian Local Hero Award.
Hemp Awareness Group Award
1999: Top 25 Cannabis Activists of the 20th Century, High Times magazine.
1998: Hemp Industries Association President’s Award
1991: Long Beach Area Citizens Involved Achievement Award
1980: Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities
1972: Who’s Who in American Junior Colleges